Monday, January 16, 2012

Martin Luther King Jr.

To start the lesson off, I am going to have the students compare two people. I use clip art of boys.  We write down how the two people are similar, then we talk about how they are different. We go over the lists of how they are different and (their first one) was skin color. I split the class into light, dark, and in the middle. I asked if they had any friends in another group. I then asked how would they feel if I did not allow them to play with someone they were not in groups. Call on people to have them respond. (The best ones are best friends split up.) We came back together and talk about how it is ok to be different as we went through the list.

Then I told the students I was going to tell them a story that happened a long time ago. They of course got very excited for the story. I told the Kindergartners that if you had different color skin, you weren't allowed to be friends or talk to each other. To help them understand, I had them split up on the rug, so they weren't sitting by someone with different skin. This way they weren't tempted to break the rules. I finished my story and we watched our video of Dr. King's speech.

Video showing about what he did:
Martin's Big Words      Watch till 7:45 (go to speech- then come back to this movie)

Video of Martin Luther King Jr's Speech.
Martin Luther King Jr's "I Have A Dream" Speech    I like that this is only 1:30 minutes.

White and brown hands fold book  I saw this idea on pinterest and loved it. When you open the book, I am having the students glue in their I Have a Dream page. On the back, they will glue a page I found from someone else about how they will help the world become a better place.

Play soccer with all your family. I love the... 
I can't remember the rest!
Be friends no matter color.... something color.... I am dream like!

I  thought today was a very good day!

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